Realise your Light - Merlin Activation

Sometimes we all feel  isolated and alone, perhaps trapped in a thought spiral,  thinking about what the next step should be in a seemingly impossible situation. Merlin has a habit of making his presence known in these types of situation, you could say that’s magic.

Yet it is not the type of magic that involves waving  a wand or striking a staff; its something far different.

Merlins Magic is most profoundly felt by  his presence.  His appearance in your life is most impactful when u are at a place of deep transition; in this space Merlin can help you ignite the possibilities that are showing themselves in next stage of your potential spiritual unfoldment.

He works to empower you through  confronting  your procrastination  & self sabotage.  His presence in this regard is most powerful and direct.

If you engage with him in full endeavour he shall return in kind.

In this course Learn how to connect with the Master, Merlin.

3 Modules

Pre-activation Channelling

Pre-activation best practices. They are standard things that will support the process these tasks are essentially the same for every activation that you do.

Merlin Activation

The activation, commentary and meditations there are also videos and MP3 options depending on your situation.

Post Activation

Once  you have completed your activation it’s time to practice connecting yourself.  This is for the primary intention of self healing, obtaining guidance and building Confidence in your capacity to channel for yourself.

Modules for this product 3
Connect with Merlin

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